Payment Methods

  • Cash on delivery

Payment of the exact order amount at the transport company on delivery, with an extra chage of 2,00 euros for purchases within Greece.

This payment method is not available for customers out of Greece.


  • Credit, debit or prepaid cards

Payment through credit, debit or prepaid card: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal


  • Bank deposit

You can deposit the amount of your purchase in the following account:

National Bank of Greece (NBG)

ΙΒΑΝ: GR3501104780000047800918394

Beneficiary: EIRINI ANGELI.

During money transfer by e-banking, from one bank to another, in case there are interbank transaction fees concerning the beneficiary (that is, Eirini Angeli.), these are fully paid by the remittent.

In the bank deposit, you should fill in the Reason field with your full name and purchase order code.

For a faster completion of your order, you can send us the bank deposit receipt by e-mail at

Your order will be shipped after the confirmation of the deposit to our bank account. The time of shipment of the purchase starts from the day of the deposit confirmation. Waiting time to receive confirmation from the Greek banks is up to 3 working days.


  • By Paypal (Credit/debit card or Paypal account)

Paypal is a secure online transaction system in which you can pay:

a. By credit/debit card

b. Through your paypal account

During this payment process, no personal information is being saved (such as the card or the account information) in the electronic system of Redfoxstories